Monday, March 03, 2008
Isn't that one of the most annoying things that come up when chatting online.. I mean you are in this deep discussion and you are explaining a situation or so and you are waiting for some answers, or thoughts of the person, and HMMMM... comes on ur screen.. *&^%% at that time you just wanna beat the living daylights of the other person...
So in this irritation even i have started using this in my chats and ya heheheh its gud fun..
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you bet about H tripple M (thats how i had named it when i was going through the same motions as yours regarding it).
i thought "hmmmm" meant "yeah i understand.."
I know i am commenting like over a year after you posted this but then i just discovered your blog!
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I know i am commenting like over a year after you posted this but then i just discovered your blog!
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