Monday, March 24, 2008


Magic Bus

Well have you ever had these days wherein you wanted to leave everything behind and just run away. Run away from everything, from everyone. Well if you are in advertising you go through those emotions sometimes when the workload, the late nights etc takes a toll on you, u just wanna leave everything and just run away.. Well this movie is about a guy who’s graduated and has gotten into Harvard. He then decides to leave everything behind, family, money, career everything he abandons and goes into the wild.

This movie will inspire the traveler in you .Chris (Emile Hirsch), he donates his life savings of $24,000 to Oxfam. He eventually finds his way to Alaska, his dream, where he sets into the pure wilderness with nothing more than a gun and some reading material.

The movie works on a lotta levels, it’s about self realization, it’s about this stubbornness that Chris has and many other things.

The acting is excellent throughout, the visuals are stunning, and the script is tight. Eddie Vedder provides most of the soundtrack which is perfect with the whole tone of the film.

One of my friends at Xavier’s was a lil familiar to the main lead; I remember hearing stories about her leaving to some place alone in the middle of the week even without telling anyone. And its not even like she would plan this and stay in some nice hotel n all, she would just head off without thinking anything. I have always wondered if I would be able to do that, don’t know yet but I just might one day (maybe not go so far the way Chris did but just head out far all by myself)

So go ahead and watch this movie, but make sure you are in that little mood when you want to watch smething like this.. It will surely move you and inspire you..

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Monday, March 03, 2008



Isn't that one of the most annoying things that come up when chatting online.. I mean you are in this deep discussion and you are explaining a situation or so and you are waiting for some answers, or thoughts of the person, and HMMMM... comes on ur screen.. *&^%% at that time you just wanna beat the living daylights of the other person...

So in this irritation even i have started using this in my chats and ya heheheh its gud fun..

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